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Unto those good gentles who are considering the path of the Sergeantry,
Greetings from Lord and Lady Stromgard

As landed Baron and Baroness, it is our right and privilege to bestow the rank of Sergeant, Yeoman, Gallant, Lancer, and Courtier (Hoflinger/Handworker) upon those who successfully traverse the trials we set. The role of Sergeantry is unique to An Tir and has long and honorable history. Much has been written by gentles throughout the Realm and is readily available in various mediums. We encourage you, to seek these histories as they are important threads in the immense and diverse tapestry of our kingdom.

To be a member of the Sergeantry of Stromgard is to have achieved a high standard, and these trials are not to be entered into lightly. We are honored by your aspiration to become a member of our Sergeantry and humbled by the trust you place in us. This guide contains most all pertinent areas of study you will need to excel in your trials. You will need to gain knowledge that extends well beyond the areas of your chosen path. The trials will challenge each candidate as well as ourselves, to step out of the normal routine and explore new areas.

In An Tir, the Sergeantry of each Barony expresses a unique character that is a reflection of the people who comprise it. In Stromgard, the sergeantry are the protectors of the coronet and the ideals of our society. Members of the sergeantry are the face, hands and sinew of our noble barony. They are called upon to lead by example, carrying the word fame of our barony, acting as role models, mentors, ambassadors, administrators and more. The members of the sergeantry are among the baronies most frequent and vital contributors to projects, guilds, and social activities. They are often looked to as teachers, counselors, and leaders, bearers of the ideals of chivalry, with patience and competence. They are the coronets confidants, seeing what they may not be able to, helping them to recognize those who make the game worth playing. They do all this while maintaining their combat authorization and other requirements set forth by the coronets so they may be as ready as possible for when they are called upon. The Sergeantry of Stromgard is under the purview of the Baroness. The Baroness will call upon the Baron to assist with the Sergaentry as needed.

Letter of Intent
Each person wishing to participate in the trials must present an original Letter of Intent. It may be by
the Candidates own hand or a scribe may be hired to create the letter. It should include your SCA name, any titles you bear, any fealty you are bound by, which branch of the Sergeantry is being sought and a statement of what has led you to seek to participate in Our trials. Letters must be presented to Us at Baronial Court. The trials will commence at Stromgard Founding Revel. Those who succeed in the trials will be required to swear fealty to the Baron and Baroness.

Sergeantry Trials

All candidates must undergo a series of trials through their candidacy for Stromgard. They are split up into basic requirements that all paths must complete and specific tasks for individual paths. Much of the information is covered in the study guide but some aspects, by their nature must occur outside of it. When you undertake a task it is your responsibility to ensure it meets the needs of the trial and that completion is recorded by your Baron and Baroness. A final test with a passing score of 70% is the last trial.

These trials are the basic tenents and can be changed as needed for each individual candidate. Accommodations are gladly and willingly made for individuals with a need. Increased difficulties are designed to maintain the strength and skill that Stromgard expects from its sergeants.


Sergeants of Stromgard

Chingis Shanagatai Neriin

Qara Chinua

Annora of River Haven

Malek of Samarkand

David of Babylon  

Edward Ean Anderson  

Ilaria Veltri degli Ansari

Tiernan mor dal Cais  

Octamasades Skuthikos  

Jacqueline de Lioncourt  

Giles de Bois de Gilbert 

Murrough Dal Cais  

Rodrigo Alfonso de Granada  
Octar Wolfkiller 
Miranda Faoltiarna 
Constance Le Clerc 
Helvi av Gotland 
Jacqueline de Lioncourt 
Qada'an Nachin 
Fenris of Stromgard

Tatyanna of Stromgard 
Ronan Mac an Leagha
Wredech Tiernanson 
Refskegg of House Bread 

Kata of House Bread
Gaia Licinia Prima

Þóra Jórsalafari

Brand Raynersson 

Sergeants may be missing here. If you know one, or if you ARE one, please contact

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